My purpose is to help women connect with their inner wisdom, heal their disillusions about themselves and deepen their self love. To have them love who they really are on all levels so they create lives they absolutely love.
When you deeply understand yourself you can have self-love to self-promote. Ask for that promotion! Create that business and share it with the world!
Have the freedom and financial rewards you crave.
"Your Happily Ever After"
We believe money should never be the reason that holds us back from living our dreams and making a positive impact on the world.
That’s why we added a brand-new service called third party Finance!
We now have a third party consulting group called Lifestyle Finance Aus Pty Ltd that specialises in funding education programs for business growth and personal development.
They match you with a lender, where they can fund up to 100% of our program amount and you can even consider any other debt consolidation for better repayment options – in fact that is what happened for our client *Sarah, you can read about her story below.
Here some of the cool things this now makes available to our community:
They make so much possible!
As far as the rates go, it will vary depending on your credit. And you’ll have an opportunity to review the best offers with one of the specialists from Lifestyle Finance Aus Pty Ltd and address any questions before making a decision.
Your credit score won’t be affected by exploring this option. You literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
If you decide to move forward with the options they give you, they’ll work directly with you to get the money you need to make working with us become a reality.
If this changes anything for you, and you would like to be part of our program or coaching, let’s start the process for you by clicking here and Lauren will email you (pop in your email address so the message is sent to you) with the information we need to book in a private call with our amazing finance person at Lifestyle Finance Aus.
I truly believe the reason why we have dreams is that we want to live the most incredible human experience possible and when more of us continually and courageously step into this space, we create real impact and positive change in the world.
This is why we are so excited to say we can get you started for as little as $37 per week.
I look forward to chatting and exploring this option with you.
*Sarah’s Story:
*Sarah is not her real name so using this name to keep her privacy.
Sarah had attended most of our Training experiences such as Passion and Purpose Coaching, Masculine & Feminine Coaching, Matrix Therapies Coaching and NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Trainers Training. Because of these trainings, she was able to let go of her past grief, let go of guilt and other limiting beliefs she had which meant for her that she decided to create her own coaching business, helping others to live their dreams and purpose too.
Later on in her journey througout the last training she did with us, she was speaking with Lauren about wanting some further guidance in how to grow her business and desiring some 1 to 1 support to make this happen in her situation. At this point in time, she had spent all of her budget on the personal development training and later told us that she had “made a mistake” in her past where she made a wrong investment and was actually paying off debt to the sum of over $30,000. Mind you, she is not in a hugely high paying job. She was living paycheck to paycheck in this debt from the “bad investment”.
She felt the 1 to 1 coaching with Lauren would really support her in taking what she started to the next level, for her businesss and her clients. BUT she just couldn’t afford to invest any further without feeling the pressure from this burden of high debt.
Until she found out that through Lauren’s partnership with Lifestyle Finance Aus, she could speak to someone obligation free and without it further affecting her credit rating just by looking into this option of finance. After a small conversation with Lauren, we booked her in for this chat and she was able to see that she could have all of this debt condolidated PLUS be able to borrow the money for the coaching for lower repayments than she was currently making. This allowed for more cash flow in her life and she can choose to pay higher amounts of her repayments with this extra cash and pay it off faster if she wants.
She is now progressing in her business and in her success with the extra balance of fulfilling her lifestyle values because she can live with less burden and pressure to do it all by herself.
We can’t wait to see where she is at in 12 months time after the coaching has completed and she has implemented so much wisdom into helping others. This is just the beginning for her.
If you would like to explore this option for yourself, let’s start the process for you by clicking here and Lauren will email you (pop in your email address so the message is sent to you) with the information we need to book in a private call with our amazing finance person at Lifestyle Finance Aus.
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