My purpose is to help women connect with their inner wisdom, heal their disillusions about themselves and deepen their self love. To have them love who they really are on all levels so they create lives they absolutely love.
When you deeply understand yourself you can have self-love to self-promote. Ask for that promotion! Create that business and share it with the world!
Have the freedom and financial rewards you crave.
"Your Happily Ever After"
This is a story about a baby.
Who was born from a relationship swept up in manipulation, gaslighting, abuse and control.
A baby who would be fiercely protected and loved by her mother. A mother who was being blamed entirely for the circumstance of the father cheating.
This baby would also grow up being blamed. Even 37 years later.
This baby innately expected all the things every single human baby is born expecting. Love, protection, safety, nourishment, cuddles, support, to feel the acceptance from the people who made her.
A baby who quickly becomes a child who all along learns about the world in a way where she thinks everything is about her. All children think the world around them responds according to who they are as a person. If a parent leaves, the child feels like they must have done something wrong or they are not worthy and loved.
This child grows up surrounded by love and incredible family and friends. Doing the work to heal all the pain of those self-imposed limitations around not being good enough, worthy or even loved. Emotional logic playing out which is separate from intellectual logic, regardless of what the mind knows as truth or not. The emotional logic is the stuck, unresolved little girl who still wonders why she feels wrong for simply being who she is. Somehow just a smidge of guilt or question for anything good in her life.
This child becomes a leader and role model who does ALL she can to help others know that no matter what they experience in their past, they can forgive, know they are loved, worthy and safe to be who they are.
One day, the unconscious energy she has felt her whole life but not fully understood yet, rises to the surface in another awakening. Perhaps the biggest awakening of her life. It came from the result of another painful attack of her living in her light. Petty words and threats and malice with a support team of others, ready to love the comment within 2 minutes of it being shared and hidden.
She realises her benefits of the doubt can’t change other’s choices from their own pain. She can’t control anyone else except herself. Just like everyone else can only have power over themselves.
In living in her light, it exposes the shadow all around her. Anything still in the dark can be seen. It can’t hide away from the light around it. This is why when we grow we feel pain. Any wounding that needs to be healed, is shown to allow the opportunity to do so.
The awakening realisation that her benefit’s of the doubt for certain people, endeavouring to imagine there surely can’t possibly be such hate in her life. Is proven otherwise. There are people who feel and think that her birth is the cause of their pain. They will try to do whatever they can to crush this baby and make them feel like they should never have been born.
It was not just in her mind. It has not just been her own self imposed limitations from her past. There IS energy of malicious intention coming for her to bring her down into the same shadow. Because the healing it would take for these people, feels too out of reach for them and too hard. It feels easier and safer for them to cut this baby down to their size of the level of potential they are fulfilling.
This baby is no longer willing to feel thier energy as the truth. This baby is cradled in my arms now, knowing she grows up to be me.
I tell her yes darling, there is pain and there are people who don’t always understand how carrying their pain towards you has caused you so much pain too. I know it’s crushed you at times and others will have no idea just how much. But oh my darling child, you don’t need to feel this as truth anymore.
I set you free. Go live your life in the light. Continue to be as loving and free as possible. Keep helping people break through all their past traumas and publish that book that will truly help people, no matter how many stones being thrown at you from fear and hate.
Keep sharing what you have always known and have now truly become aware of why it’s felt so heavy to just be you in this world,
Feeling lighter and in awe of synchronicity once again,
Feeling worthy, loved, and safe to be all of who you are.
I am so proud of who we have become together. Using your experiences and gifts, your resilient and loving heart to help others feel the same.
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