My biggest driver for the last 18 years has been to inspire you to create a conscious & purposeful life.
I yearn for you to cherish & honour yourself in deeply understanding who you are.
I wholeheartedly believe in when we know our soul’s purpose & we remember our heart’s intentions, daily, we can nurture ourselves through the ups & downs of life and create a life we absolutely love.
This is my Soul Purpose: To guide you to love yourself amongst all your “mistakes”, comparisons, “should be’s” and judgements.
I have dedicated my life to this mission, just ask my friends, clients, students and adorable husband who has seen me through it all.
Let’s transform together, your inner judgemental voice into the voice of your beloved best friend.
Let’s heal together, your past pains into your bad ass, all-knowing inner wisdom, recreating your deepest hurts & hopelessness into the
Wonder Woman you truly are.
"I am now heading into my mid-fifties with a whole new passion and love of life pretty much because of Lauren.
Lauren was one of the fantastic trainers I encountered. I immediately felt welcomed relaxed, supported and ready to learn in her very calm presence.
Lauren was such an amazing coach and mentor – so patient, kind, compassionate and loving. She was my angel. For the first time in my life I finally felt my future was mine to decide. I finally felt I could embrace my authentic self. My energy levels have significantly improved and the anxiety and depression has gone.
Her coaching helped me understand my uniqueness, my passion, my purpose and how I could weave those values into my life in every area."
"It’s incredible that I can be in such a different head and emotional space in such a short time.
Doing that process with you and feeling change so quickly has just made me feel so confident in how much it can help other people and I really really want to help people to change their lives.
I’ve always been about positivity and helping people to ‘look on the bright side’ and I want to make every day ‘bright’ for them if I can. "
"The difference between many and Lauren is this, while knowledge is a powerful tool to know, without the emotional intelligence, heart centred intuition, and deep understanding of organised thought, that Lauren possesses in abundance, it is just knowledge!
Lauren is a gifted person, coach and trainer, who makes a difference.
Her programs are not designed merely by content, they are guaranteed to transform.
I don't know about you, I'm just so glad that I believed in myself like Lauren believed in me. "