You may have come across the question: What would you say to your younger self if you could meet with them and share your life advice? It’s a great question to ask and it’s a lovely way to reflect and see what you’ve learnt as you’ve experienced more of life. Just think about this now, pick […]
There have been many different & great sources that talk about this Universal Law. The Law of Attraction refers to when you allow yourself to focus intently on what you desire, it will then manifest for you with grace and ease. What a beautiful concept it is! However, let’s fill in some of the gaps […]
I feel that we are programmed to be in our heads more than our hearts; programmed to listen to that voice inside our head and follow it like it’s the only truth. Maybe it’s easier for us to do this because of the programming from our environments. Some of the reasons influencing our environmental programming […]
When focusing on how to manifest what you want, one of the most important things is having what I call a ‘full sensory visualisation’. Actually, I could more accurately call it a ‘full sensory internal representation’, as it needs to be more than just visual. As you already know, you process the external world through […]
With all this talk about vision boards lately, I thought I would put it to the test. I have been doing my research to see what manifesting miracles have been happening and I’m happy to report that there are many. I have tried using vision boards for a few years now and I have to […]
Do you have so many things you want to do like write a book, get a promotion at work, start creating that present for a friend, learn how to cook, get your motorbike licence, make some money with another side project, travel the world and so on and so on? And of course you want […]