Have you ever been asked to write a list of 100 things you want to experience or achieve in a certain period of time? Yes 100 things! I have, and I find it really fun to do because it makes you get creative and think really outside of the box to come up with so […]

Thanks for the growth 2024!

The 8 Self-loving resources to make life easier!

The 8 Self-loving resources to make life easier! (This is an excerpt from my book: www.laurenjobson.com/bookorder I have summarised the resources for all the possible ways we can take advantage of our inner and outer worlds. These resources are: 1) Mindset: This could be a mindset or emotional block stopping us from receiving what we […]

This is a story about a baby. Who was born from a relationship swept up in manipulation, gaslighting, abuse and control. A baby who would be fiercely protected and loved by her mother. A mother who was being blamed entirely for the circumstance of the father cheating. This baby would also grow up being blamed. […]

This is a story of a baby…

The 4 Levels of Experience & Self-Love

Our relationship to our behaviours – how can we make better decisions in knowing what behaviours are best to start, continue or stop?Since self-love is all about discernment (which we went through in Chapter Four), let’s go through an easy model which allows us to know what the most self-loving thing to do is when […]

Recently, I have been thinking about how easy it is to focus on everything we don’t want to have in our lives that we stop knowing what we do want. It’s too easy to think about the weight we want to lose that we forget how we want to feel when we are fit and healthy. It’s so easy to think about the stress […]

Do you know what you want?

Lauren Jobson 7 areas of self love

7 Levels to Deepen Your Self Love

In the 11 years of coaching people and 6 years of teaching others to become coaches and educating them on the power of our minds, I have come to observe that most problems, if not all, come down to one very important aspect. And that is how much one has to deepen self-love. I have […]

You may have come across the question: What would you say to your younger self if you could meet with them and share your life advice? It’s a great question to ask and it’s a lovely way to reflect and see what you’ve learnt as you’ve experienced more of life. Just think about this now, pick […]

If I Could Meet With My Younger Self

The Law of Attraction & How to Use It

There have been many different & great sources that talk about this Universal Law. The Law of Attraction refers to when you allow yourself to focus intently on what you desire, it will then manifest for you with grace and ease. What a beautiful concept it is! However, let’s fill in some of the gaps […]
