My purpose is to help women connect with their inner wisdom, heal their disillusions about themselves and deepen their self love. To have them love who they really are on all levels so they create lives they absolutely love.
When you deeply understand yourself you can have self-love to self-promote. Ask for that promotion! Create that business and share it with the world!
Have the freedom and financial rewards you crave.
"Your Happily Ever After"
The 8 Self-loving resources to make life easier! (This is an excerpt from my book:
I have summarised the resources for all the possible ways we can take advantage of our inner and outer worlds.
These resources are:
1) Mindset:
This could be a mindset or emotional block stopping us from receiving what we need to make a change in.
Mindset also includes any inner resourcefulness we need to tap into, such as courage, confidence, focus, clarity, inspiration, vulnerability, discernment, love, and so on.
A way to discover our mindset is by writing our thoughts down to discover a possible limiting belief and uncover where it came from. Journaling or talking it through with someone is a way for us to discover a mindset block.
Mindset also includes getting conscious of our purpose, identity, values, and beliefs. Anything that is unseen (the feminine side of us) and becoming aware of these (our masculine side of us) connects to conceiving a new version of ourselves, a higher level of fulfilling our potential.
At the end of each chapter, I have forgiveness as a stand-alone resource because it is so important for self-love.
Mindset includes both feminine and masculine resources.
2) Intuition:
This is our wise, calm inner voice. It is our gut and body wisdom, our inner mentor to trust and follow. We all need to learn how to listen to our intuition more often and deepen our relationship with this inner wise one. Our intuition is our most profound and most trustworthy resource. We spoke about how to connect with it in Chapter Seven.
Intuition is a feminine energy resource.
3) Support:
We may need more support on a particular issue to take action on the right thing for ourselves. Depending on the area of life we focus on, support sources can range from a book, a course, a friend, a teacher, a coach, a cleaner, a cook – the list can go on. We could call upon so much more support when we have enough self-love to do so. This resource can help us by tapping into our ability to ask for and receive the help we need. It is also the ability to recognise we need further support and to be vulnerable enough to find ways to ask for it and benefit from it.
Support is a feminine energy resource.
Supportive Environment:
This includes the material world around us and how it either supports us in how we organise it, how it makes us feel if it inspires us or not, and everything the external world could encompass for us. Such as housing, material possessions, access to fresh air and our basic needs. It includes all places like our home, car, office, our neighbourhood location, and community.
Support from Others:
Do you have people there to listen to you and help you in ways you need? How do you feel about asking others for help? Asking for help is such a self-loving thing to do. Having the right people in your life is also about your ability to nurture relationships, discern people wisely, and communicate effectively.
4) Creativity:
Our ability to solve problems with our creativity and imagination is a powerful resource to remember. The act of journaling is our creativity allowing our thoughts to flow through us and onto paper.
Another way is to view any problem from a different perspective. In doing so, we are using our imagination to come up with another angle to solve it.
Creativity is a feminine energy resource.
5) Structure:
This is about how we organise ourselves, so it can include a ritual, a habit, a routine, a practice, or any structure which allows us to create our new desired behaviours, in order for them to become natural and easy. How can we create ways for our desired behaviours to become so much a part of our daily lives that they are automatic to us and become part of who we are? Is it using a planner, a journal, or a particular app on our phone or computer? Is it a timetable to stick to? Is it doing some exciting goal setting and then creating a way to check in with your progression towards your goals regularly? There are infinite possibilities to create ways to be organised that work for your unique energy and what inspires you.
Structure is a masculine energy resource.
6) Tools:
A tool is an external resource that could make all the difference between something being easy for us or not. For instance, in line with the previous examples I have mentioned, a journal and a great pen are excellent tools. It’s incredible how we all have many tools to take advantage of. An example of how this resource can help us implement a key to self-love is: to ask ourselves if the tool we are using, like our mobile phone, is helping us to live more of our potential, increase efficiency and ease? Or if it does not? Ask yourself: What tool can help me do this more efficiently and make my life easier? Just like support, our ability to receive support in terms of a tool can ease our lives.
A free tool I have created for you is my self-love planner. It is a three-month planner that has space to create vision boards for your ideal life for three years, twelve months and three months out from today. It has a weekly and daily planner with daily self-love questions and a place for your gratitude. You can access your copy at
Tools are a masculine energy resource.
7) Action:
Notice all of these resources above assume some form of action.
These resources should all lead to health. We can only do something successfully or easily with the foundation of physical health.
Action is a masculine energy resource.
To summarise the above and introduce the concept of health, let’s look at it this way:
8) Health
Health combines a need for both feminine and masculine resources.
To learn more, read or listen to Lauren’s book:
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