Are you tired of holding yourself back? Have you ever found yourself knowing the direction you want to go, but something inside stops you from taking that first step? Welcome to the final episode in our “Stop Self-Sabotage” series, where we dive deep into the patterns that hinder our progress and reveal the last of […]

The inner blocks that stop us taking action

How to Know What’s Best for You and Stick to It

Stop Self-Sabotage Series: How to Know What’s Best for You and Stick to It Welcome back to another empowering episode of the Stop Self-Sabotage series! If you’ve been following along, you already know we’ve been diving deep into the eight different ways we sabotage ourselves and, more importantly, why we do it. If this is […]

Podcast and blog episode 1 of Love Life with Lauren Podcast

Learn the secret to creating energy any time you need it. In this first episode of the podcast, Lauren shares the first out of the eight possible ways we can self-sabotage. She also shares about holding paradoxes. She explains the beauty of paradoxes, so when things are negative in certain ways, we can actually still […]

Lack of energy? Discover self-sabotage number one.

The different ways we have negative self-talk

Watch this 20 second reel on all the possible ways we think negatively here Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. (Click follow on my socials so you can see my updates, I would appreciate the connection!) Virginia Satir, a family therapist who greatly influenced NLP, saw thousands of clients coming to her who were on the verge of separating. They […]

Our relationship to our behaviours – how can we make better decisions in knowing what behaviours are best to start, continue or stop?Since self-love is all about discernment (which we went through in Chapter Four), let’s go through an easy model which allows us to know what the most self-loving thing to do is when […]

The 4 Levels of Experience & Self-Love

Dancing within lifes restrictions

Last Thursday I literally had 10 minutes to send out a message to my community and my bub was waking up from her nap. I felt so inspired and I shared the follwing. I hope it helps you! Keep going, regardless of restrictions. I am soon to go pick up my Nan from her aged […]

Recently, I have been thinking about how easy it is to focus on everything we don’t want to have in our lives that we stop knowing what we do want. It’s too easy to think about the weight we want to lose that we forget how we want to feel when we are fit and healthy. It’s so easy to think about the stress […]

Do you know what you want?

We don’t have a sole purpose. We have a soul purpose.

From a young age, I was lucky enough to feel a deep yearning for what it was that made me feel alive and on purpose. It was to learn about human potential and then share that with others through teaching NLP and coaching. I took all the steps to pursue my passion, and yet I […]

I am truly blessed to have two biological daughters. I had my first 5 years ago, and now I have a 3-month-old sleeping on me as I type this. When we had our first daughter, my husband and I had been together for fourteen years and were very happy since we created a wonderful life […]

Great Mental Health Tips Postpartum

2 Ways Our Mind Creates Emotional Logic

We need to see our emotions and the acronym I have created is S E A. S – we need to sense the emotion, sit with it and notice the stories that we are telling ourselves. What is our self-talk about this emotion? E – And then we can find resourceful, beautiful ways to emote […]
