My purpose is to help women connect with their inner wisdom, heal their disillusions about themselves and deepen their self love. To have them love who they really are on all levels so they create lives they absolutely love.
When you deeply understand yourself you can have self-love to self-promote. Ask for that promotion! Create that business and share it with the world!
Have the freedom and financial rewards you crave.
"Your Happily Ever After"
From a young age, I was lucky enough to feel a deep yearning for what it was that made me feel alive and on purpose. It was to learn about human potential and then share that with others through teaching NLP and coaching. I took all the steps to pursue my passion, and yet I was unable to make it my full-time business simply because of how I was treating it with my actions. I was not making much money from it, so you could say it was more of a passion project, nowadays called a side hustle. I didn’t realise this, so I was feeling disillusioned.
It meant that I was working other jobs, such as babysitting, that had nothing to do with the same industry I wanted to be in. I would be making money from these different jobs to pay for my client room hire, coaching website and business cards, etc. because such things made me feel I was running a business.
Don’t get me wrong, building up your business whilst working other jobs to bring in the money in the early stages is the best strategy; I recommend it. It is excellent not to put financial pressure on the business when you are just finding your way, but for me, this wasn’t the problem. It was like I had already decided I could not make great money doing what I love, and so I unconsciously stopped myself from investing my energy into it with all of me.
Bless my darling website designer, who happens to be a great friend from high school. Over the years, I asked her to change my website repeatedly before I felt I could share it. It was never the website that was the problem. I changed my tagline; I needed a better logo, to get better photos; it just went on and on with why I couldn’t be fully seen and invested entirely in my self-belief. My business name was “Results with Lauren” – looking back now, I know I felt embarrassed about that name. It didn’t feel like me, but I couldn’t pinpoint this at the time. I did not feel so excited about sharing this with others. Woah – a big problem right there when I felt embarrassed to share the name of my business!
I remember one parent of a child I was looking after at my babysitting job, on receiving my business card, asked me, ‘Oh, so are you a maths tutor?’ Oh, dear! “Results with Lauren” came across as a maths tutor. I kept the name. Again, this was a big sign from the universe, yet I remained disillusioned. I couldn’t yet see past what was holding me back.
So, fast forward to the weekend where I met myself. All of this was about to change in a liberating and inspiring way. The entire process was enjoyable and empowering, and only years later, did I truly realise how disillusioned I was. Such is the nature of unconscious limitations holding us back.
At the “Discover Your Passion and Purpose” training by Pip McKay, I learned the three authentic energies that make up who I am. I discovered the three archetypal energies and understood that I am most passionate and most myself when I am in those energies. I learned that my soul chose these three archetypes to live through as a way of knowing when I am on path to fulfilling what my soul decided to come here and experience in this lifetime.
We learned that our purpose is not to do one thing, and only when we find a thing we are willing to stick at and fill up our time with do we have it. But rather, our purpose is to be the most authentic version of ourselves and bring our true self to whatever it is we do. When we are our true selves, we contribute to others and help the world simply by showing up on our path for the things we are passionate about and with who we are, with all our unique traits, skills and gifts.
After this weekend, I immediately changed my business name to “Love Life with Lauren”, because one of my archetypes, The Lovers Archetype, is all about love, intimate connection and self-love. I could also quickly develop my tagline and business message when I worked with the energies of my other archetypes. “Inspiring and Nurturing a Happier You” is informed through my Innocent Adventurer, which is all about inspiration and the nurturing is from The Creative Nurturer Archetype. Now, beyond a business name and some branding help, this was about truly feeling aligned with who I am, loving what I do, and my business is an authentic expression of me.
I now have my own Training Academy where I offer different training options, including both of these weekend training courses: Evolve Now! Level 1A: Passion and Purpose Coaching and Evolve Now! Level 1B: Masculine and Feminine Coaching.
My Personal Development Training Company is called “Intuitive Heart Training Academy” (yes, there is a particular aligned reason for this name, too), and my one-to-one coaching business still exists as “Love Life with Lauren.”
I’ve had a number of people contact me now that I am back from my maternity leave asking if I’m doing my birth chart readings. If you resonate with my story at all and would like to learn how I could help you experience the same results as me. Check out my special offer I feel deeply called and excited to offer.
Warm regards,
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